A-VOR 21

Missal, Salzburg-Seckau (CanA) 4th quarter of the 12th cent., 14th-15th cent., parch. 275x190, 178 fol., NN. Contents: calendar, gradual, Ordinarium Missae, sequentiary, sacramentary, lectionary. Inventory of the sequences in PRASSL Psallat ecclesia mater (austriaca -> Prassl).

A-VOR 90

Breviary, Passau diocese end of the 13th cent., parch. 320x230, 242 fol., NN. Contents: calendar, hymnary, preces, Proprium de tempore et de sanctis (pars hiemalis), Visitatio sepulchri, Commune sanctorum.

A-VOR 253

(part-) Antiphoner, Vorau (CanA) middle of the 15th cent., parch. 490x350, 244 fol., GN. Contents: special offices including Transfiguratio domini, Hermetis, Thomae apost., Dorotheae, Julianae, Mariae Magdalenae (2x), Kunigundis, Ruperti, Accacii, Annae, Conceptio Mariae, Thomae Cant., Visitatio Mariae, Afrae; Commune sanctorum (compare also FEAST RANKS).

A-VOR 255

Sequentiary, Vorau (CanA) middle of the 15th cent., parch. 560x370, I+86 fol., GN. Contents: (incomplete due to loss of pages) Inventory of the sequences in PRASSL Psallat ecclesia mater (austriaca -> Prassl, compare also FEAST RANKS).

A-VOR 287

Antiphoner, Vorau-Salzburg (CanA) beginning of the 14th cent., parch. 400x330, 389 fol., GN. Contents: Proprium de tempore et de sanctis, Commune sanctorum, tonary, hymnary, special offices.
Compare PRASSL, Franz: Zur liturgischen Herkunft des Antiphonars A-VOR 287, in: David Hiley/Gabor Kiss (ed.), Dies est Leticie. Essays on Chant in Honour of Janka Szendrei (Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen – Musicological Studies 90), Ottawa 2008, 429-462.

CANTUS inventory made by Charles Downey and Joseph Metzinger (The Catholic University of America).

A-VOR 303

Missal, Salzburg-Vorau end of the 12th cent., parch. 310x220, 196 fol., NN. Contents: calendar (Passau), gradual, Ordo Missae, sequentiary, sacramentary, lectionary. Inventory of the sequences in PRASSL Psallat ecclesia mater (austriaca -> Prassl).

A-VOR 333

Liber ordinarius, Vorau ~1267-1282, Perg. 250x170, 148 fol. Contents: calendar, Liber ordinarius, Salzburg template, adapted to the Vorauer liturgy. 148v: Iste liber est ecclesie vorowensis ... quem wernhardus eiusdem ecclesie prepositus reliquit.

The images of the Stiftsbibliothek Vorau are published with the permission of prelate Gerhard Rechberger, the provost of Stift Vorau.
Vorau manuscript catalogue.